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The Kollel’s Core Purpose and Mission

The Skokie Kollel’s mission is to be the source for teaching Torah in the community, educate the community on proper Torah observance and be the place to go in the community for learning Torah. We provide a broad range of Jewish learning opportunities for people at all levels, from beginner to advanced. 


The Kollel also provides:

* Community-wide presence – the “Pivot Point” of Skokie and the north suburbs
* Women-only classes led by women throughout the year
* Special seminars from prominent Torah leaders in and around the community
* Personalized, one-on-one attention from the Rabbinical staff
* Outreach to others, regardless of affiliation
* Opportunities for participants to lead classes or deliver a lecture
* Largest public Judaic library in Skokie

Our Staff

The warmth and dedication of the staff and avreichim at the Skokie Community Kollel have been a special virtue of our community for many years. Building relationships and growing together as a community through learning Torah is integral to who we are and the organization we represent.

Kollel Avreichim

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